E-Commerce Help

Getting started.

After signing in click on the create new app button, which will take you to the template selection screen.

On the template selection screen select the template that you want to for the app by clicking on the “Select” button. However, continue this guide only if you chose a E-Commerce type template. If you wish to select an “Article” type template, switch to the other Help Guide.

Enter the name of the Application in the text box and click on “Get Started” to open the app creation screen.

When the App creation menu opens you will be prompted to delete the default data. Click the “Yes” option only if you wish to create your application from scratch. Click the “No” option if you do not wish to delete the default data and edit it to create your application immediately.

Adding Logo, Footer and FAV icons

Optionally, the user can add a logo, footer image or FAV icon to their application, much the same way as any other image, strictly adhering to the size and file type restrictions, cropping your preferred images and saving them.

Changing Look and Feel

  1. To change the look and feel of the application, within the app select the menu named “Design” from the left menu pane. This will open the Design sub-menu.
  1. From the Design sub-menu choose the menu option named “Styles”, which will open the interface to edit the look and feel of the application.
  1. To change the background color of the application, navigate to the “Web App Background” on the options pannel.

Change the background color:

  1. Clicking on the background color swatch, which will open up a color palette. Then select the required color.

  1. The color of the background can also be changed by: 

    by entering a color code.

  1. Uploading an image by clicking the “Edit Image” button. (Note: For an uploaded image to be displayed, the background image check box needs to be checked)
  1. To make changes to the background and font color of the navigation menu, browse to the heading titled “Navigation” on the left hand pane.

Change navigation menu background color:

  1. Clicking on the Navigation background Color swatch, which will open up a color palette to select from.
  1. or enter a desired color code in the input box

Change the navigation menu font color:

  1. Clicking on the navigation font color swatch, which will open up a color palette to select from.
  1. or enter the desired color code in the entry field

Change the font type, size and color

  1. Navigate to Design/Look and feel then scroll down to "App Fonts"
  1. To change the type of font used for the header, select a font from the dropdown list under “Header Font”
  1. To change the font weight of the header font, select a font weight from the dropdown list under “Header Font Weight”.
  1. To change the header font color, click on the color button under “Header Font Color” or enter the color hex code in the input box.
  1. To change the type of font used for the content, select a font from the dropdown list under “Content Font
  1. To change the font size of the content font, select a font weight from the dropdown list under “Content Font Weight”
  1. To change the color of the content font, select a font color by clicking on the color swatch under the “Content Font Color”.

How To Set A Return Policy

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Store Settings”
  3. Navigate to “Policies”
  4. Enter your return policy in to the “Return Policy” field

How To Set Terms & Conditions

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Store Settings”
  3. Navigate to “Policies”
  4. Enter your return policy in to the “Terms & Conditions” field

How To Set Privacy Policy

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Store Settings”
  3. Navigate to “Policies”
  4. Enter your return policy in to the “Privacy Policy” field
  5. Click “Save” or “Next”

How To Set About US

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Store Settings”
  3. Navigate to “About Us” from the tabs at the top of the pop up or click “Next”
  4. Browse and save your Image
  5. Enter title in the “Heading” field
  6. When ticked the box "Show on website menu bar" about us will show on the website menu bar
  7. Enter the policy in the “Content” field
  8. Click on "Save"
  9. Click on "Next"

How To Set Contact Information

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Store Settings”
  3. Navigate to “Contact us” from the tabs at the top of the pop up or click “Next” below
  4. Enter your contact details in the relevant fields.
  5. Click “Save” or “Next”

How To Set Store Location

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Store Settings”
  3. Navigate to “Map Locations” from the tabs at the top of the pop up or click “Add New Location” Button
  4. Enter the details in the relevant fields on the Add Branch Location Screen.
  5. Set the map location by entering the correct Latitude and Longitude
  6. Click “Save”

Store General Settings

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Navigate to “Store Settings”
  3. Select “General” Tab from the Store Settings Settings
  4. Enter an "App Name"
  5. Select a currency type
  6. Enter a order verification Number in the "Next Order Numeber" field
  7. Turn on "Allow App Maker to Promote" if you want your app to be promoted
  8. Enter Business Hours
  9. Enter a Time and Region
  10. Click on "Save"to save
  11. Click Next to proceed with policies

Creating a new blog

Navigate into “Commerce” tab

In the Commerce sub-menu select the “Publish Blog” option, which will open the Blog creation interface.

To start, first enter the title of the Page in the text box labelled “Title” and then enter a quick short description about the blog

After that, upload the Page image and select “Browse Image”. This will open a dialog box. From this dialog box you should select the image to be uploaded to the system..

After selecting the image with in the image uploader ,you can crop the image using the tools given. After cropping you can immediately save the image by selecting “CROP & SAVE”. Alternatively, if you want to edit the image some more you can select “CROP & EDIT” and use are editing tools.

Content can be added to the page using the text editor. The text editor allows a user to add text, embedded videos and images.

In order to add links, you must first highlight either an image or line of text, and then click the button to add, and enter the link into the prompt

After content has been typed out the page can be published. To publish the page click on the button titled “Publish”. You can then manage the published blogs through Preview Blog on the Commerce Sub Menu.

How To Add a Product

  1. Navigate to Commerce
  2. Select “Add a Product”
  3. Click on "Physical" product on the appering "Choose A Product Screen"

  1. Enter the product name
  2. Enter the description of the the product. This will be displayed in the product page.
  3. Enter SKU number
  4. Select Category
  5. Click on Next

  1. Enter Product 'Price($)'
  2. Add Product 'Quantity'
  3. Add product 'Weight'
  4. Add 'Variant'
  5. Click Next

What Is An SKU?

SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identification, usually alphanumeric, of a particular product that allows it to be tracked for inventory purposes. Typically, an SKU is associated with any purchasable item in a store or catalog. For example, a woman's blouse of a particular style and size might have an SKU of "3726-8," meaning "Style 3726, size 8".

What is a Variant?

Product variants are variations of a product with different attributes like size or color. For example, you might sell a t-shirt in several different sizes, or a hat in a variety of different colours.

Editing A Product

  1. Select “Commerce”
  2. Select “Inventory”
  3. Click on the “+” symbol of the product you would like to edit
  4. Click on the SKU number
  5. The product details will be displayed in a pop. You can edit as required.

Please note that the SKU number cannot be deleted.

  1. To create more variants please refer to Step 9 onwards in “add a product”

How To Create Categories

  1. Navigate to commerce
  2. Select “Category”
  3. Click on the “add new category”
  4. Enter the name of the category
  5. Upload an image of the category
  6. Click on “Save”

How To Create Sub-Categories

  1. Navigate to commerce
  2. Select “Category”
  3. Click on the “Plus icon found in each selected catagory row”
  4. Enter the name of the category
  5. Click on “Save” to add a sub-catagory to a catagory

How To Edit A Category

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Category”
  3. Click on “Edit Icon”
  4. Enter Name
  5. Browse a new Image
  6. After making the desired changes click "Save"

How To Delete A Category

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Category”
  3. Click on “Delete Icon”
  4. And Confirm to delete.

How To Define Email Settings

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Navigate to “E-mail Settings”
  3. Click on "Email Delivery" tab on top of the Email Settings screen
  4. Enter e-mail address in the "From Email" text field

    (email address the customers will see when reciving an order related e-mail)

  5. Enter e-mail address in the "Reply To Email" text field

    (The email address the customers will be able to reply to when received an order related e-mail)

  6. Enter e-mail address in the "BCC Email" text field

    (you will recieve a copy of the emails sent on to the given address)

  7. Enter e-mail address in the "Alert Email" text field

    (All alerts will be sent to the given address)

  8. Click Next to go to Order Confirmation Screen

  1. In the "Order Confirmation" Screen insert Header Image
  2. Enter the Email Content inside the “Email Text Box”
  3. Select "delivery and Shipping Details","Order",and "store Details" to add to the email
  4. Click Next to go to Order Fullfill Screen

  1. In the "Order Fulfill" Screen insert Header Image
  2. Enter the Email Content inside the “Email Text Box”
  3. Select "delivery and Shipping Details","Order",and "store Details" to add to the email
  4. Click Next to go to Order Refund Screen

  1. In the "Order Refunded" Screen insert Header Image
  2. Enter the Email Content inside the “Email Text Box”
  3. Select "delivery and Shipping Details","Order",and "store Details" to add to the email
  4. Click on Finish the process

How To Define Low Inventory Alert Level?

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Enter “Email Fields”
  3. Enter the percentage level at which when a product reaches that level you would like to be alerted at in the “Alert At” field

How To Delete a Product

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Inventory”
  3. Click on the “Delete icon” on the selected product
  4. Click on “Yes” to confirm you would like to delete the product

How To Delete A Product Variant

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Inventory”
  3. Click on the “+” icon on the product chosen from the list
  4. Click on the “Delete icon” on the variant you would like to delete
  5. Click on “Yes” to confirm you would like to delete the product

How To Edit The Quantity Of A Product

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Inventory”
  3. You can search for a particular product by using the search bar or by going through the order list & Click on the “+” icon
  4. Edit the quantity
  5. Click on “Save”

How To Edit The Price Of A Product

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Inventory”
  3. You can search for a particular product by using the search bar or by going through the order list and Click on the “+” icon
  4. Edit the price to the desired price for each variant
  5. Click on “Save”

How To Add Shipping Zone

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Click “Shipping”
  3. Click on “Zones"
  4. In the "Zones" click on "Add Zone"
  5. On the "Zone details" popup enter the Zone "Name"
  6. Select from the List of "Countries"
  7. Select "Cities" from the list of already Selected countries
  8. Click on “Save”

How Add A Dispatch Location

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Click “Shipping”
  3. Click on “Dispatch Locations"
  4. Click on “Add Locations"
  5. In the "Dispatch Locations Details" screen add the "Name"
  6. Add the “Address”
  7. Click on “Save”

How To Create a Shipping Rule

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Click “Shipping”
  3. Click on either "Add Flat Rate","Add Weight Based","Add Pick Up" or "Free Shipping" on already opened "Shipping Rates" tab
  4. on the next screen depending on which type of shipping rates you decided to enter ,enter "Name"
  5. Select the courier type
  6. Select a "Dispatch Location" from the Dispatch Location rules created earler
  7. Select "Zones" from the Zone rules created earler
  8. Add "Comment" Optionally
  9. Click on "Save"

How To Create A Tax Rule

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Taxes”
  3. Select “Add tax option” from the pop up
  4. Add "Tax Name"
  5. Enter or Select the country you would like the rules to apply to form the list
  6. Enter the Tax Percentage
  7. Place a tick on the check boxes if you would like the tax to be applied to shipping charges and on services & Select “Add”

How Do You Edit A Tax Option

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Taxes”
  3. Select “Edit”

How To Delete A Tax Option

  1. Navigate to “Commerce”
  2. Select “Taxes”
  3. Select “Delete”
  4. Confirm Delete.

To Enable "Cash On Pickup"

  1. Navigate to Commerce
  2. Select “Payment Settings”
  3. Select either "Cash on Pickup"or"Cash on Delivery"

Setting up Carousal

  1. To add a carousal banner to your application, select the carousal banner option in the navigation menu.
  2. Add images that you would like to be on the carousal with this button. It’s possible to edit or delete the images after.
  3. After adding a name to the image that you are about to upload, proceed to browse for the preferred image with this button.
  4. Once you’ve selected the portion of the image you would like to appear on the carousal, you can either edit selection that or simply save.
  5. Optionally, you can add that image to an existing category and a corresponding product. If done so, clicking on that image would redirect the user to that category or product page. You can even redirect to an external page, outside the app, with the external link option.

Engaging Users

You can engage your user base by sending Push messages to your customers. To send a push message use the following steps: 1. To create a new Push Message for your App Users select the menu named “Engage” from the left menu pane. This will open the Engage sub menu.

2. Select PUSH Messages to open the Push messages interface.

3. Click on Add New Message.

4. Select the userbase that you want to send the message to. (Note: Active Users mean, users that have opened the App in the last in 7 days.)

5. After selecting your userbase, enter the message that you want to send in the text box.

5. After selecting your userbase, enter the message that you want to send in the text box.

Tag Managament

If app creators would like to track their app’s PWA’s stats, they can do so by adding Google Analytics to their app. After setting up their Google Analytics account, they can add the code to the app by first,

1. Select Tag Management in Engage -> Tag Management

2. Then click on Enable Tag Management, paste the code in the text area and save.

App Access

App creators can let other creators have access to their app in order to have limited control over it as well. Creators can use this feature to share certain work related to the app. In order to setup App access or more users; first,

1. Select App Access in the main menu

2. Then click on Add User to add the other people you want to have access to your app.

3. Finally, enter the registered mobile number of the user (Must be someone with an Appmaker account) and choose which features of your dashboard they can have access to

Promotions and Sales

  1. Begin by selecting the sales and promotions from the Engage tab on the navigation menu
  2. Next, select “Add new”
  3. Choose the type of promotion you would like to add, be it to the entire store, for an entire category or to a single product, however they all work similarly.
  4. To create a discount code, you have the option to add your own or generate one automatically.
  5. Then fill in the values according to your preferences, meaning the type, the value, how long it lasts, and which categories or products get affected.
  6. Next, the user can specify the what requirements need to be met be eligible
  7. After specifying usage limits, user can optionally limit it to one use per customer
  8. User can then write down any additional terms and conditions, if any, and then finally save


This allows the user to monitor how well their business is doing through their application.
To do this, first,

Select Analysis from the main navigation menu.

Then, select the period of time and which product you wish to see a report from and select “Apply” to receive the full report. The same applies for all Sales, Tax and Shipping.

Publishing the Application

The first step is to add your contact details. To do this navigate to the App Details Menu (Path: Home -> Pages -> App Details -> Contact Us). The menu allows you to enter contact details that will enable your end users to get in touch with you. Only the email field is mandatory. (Please note that this information entered here will be visible to all users that download the app. Therefore, please be careful about the personal details you share)

After entering your contact us details, navigate to the “Submit for Approvals” sub menu. (Path: Home -> Publish -> Submit for approvals). You will then be redirected to the sub menu General. 

In the General Tab, enter the short description and long description for the app in their respective boxes. The short description is a succinct summary of the app. Whereas the long description gives more detailed information. 

After entering the respective descriptions, you need to upload the images that will be used as the HI-RES Icon, feature graphic, and splash screen for the final app created by the Appmaker platform. Each of the graphics should meet the following requirements: 

HI-RES Icon- 512 x 512 pixels, PNG format 

Feature Graphic – 1024 (width) x 500 (height) pixels, PNG format 

Splash Screen – 2732 x 2732 pixels, PNG format 

NOTE: The images uploaded must meet this guidelines. Otherwise the system will throw an error message, and will not upload it. 

To upload the image hover the mouse of the respective box and a banner titled “Add Image” will display at the bottom of the box. Click on the banner to upload the image.

Then, you have the option to disable screenshots from being taken on our app, which you can choose to select if you want. Once all the information has been filled click on save. This will submit your app for approval.

The approval process

Each stage of the approval process is visible to the App developer through Status page. This page shows the status for each operator that the app has been enabled for. The table below describes the stage of the approval process taking place for each status shown.

Status Description
Submitted for configuration The app creator has created the app and submitted it for publishing. The request has been received by the Appmaker support team and they are working on the configurations required to make the app functional (i.e. charging) 
Submitted for approval The app creator has created the app and submitted it for publishing. The request has been received by the Appmaker support team and they are working on the configurations required to make the app functional (i.e. charging) 
The operator has approved the app. This means that customers in the approved operator can subscribe to the app. Therefore, you can market the app to customers from this operator.
The operator has rejected the app. Customers from this operator cannot subscribe to the app.

Generating a New APK

After your app has been approved and published, a need might arise to generate a new APK for your app. This can be easily done using the following steps:

First click on publish

Then Submit for Approvals

Click on the “Generate New APK” button to generate the new APK.

(Note: Please note that the system takes about 1-2 hours to compile a new APK. In rare circumstances it might take longer than this. After the new APK has been compiled an email will be sent to you confirming that the new APK is available.

If you have uploaded the app to third party app store (i.e. Google Play Store), please ensure that the updated APK is uploaded to the app store as well.)

Updating the App version

The Appmaker platform is always improving with new features, performance improvements and bug fixes pushed constantly. To gain full advantage of these improvements you might be required to update your app to the latest version. This can be easily done by following the steps given below.

First click on publish

Then Status

If an update in available the update button will be enabled (that is clickable). To update the the app to latest version click on the update button.

(Note: Please note that the system takes about 1-2 hours to update the app. In rare circumstances it might take longer than this. After the app has been updated an email will be sent to you confirming that the new APK is available.

If you have uploaded the app to third party app store (i.e. Google Play Store), please ensure that the updated app is uploaded to the app store as well.)

If the app has been updated to the latest version then the update button will be inactive.

Changing Appmaker Store App Link

Purely optionally, if app creators would like to change the Appmaker Store app link to the Playstore app link should they have already uploaded it to Playstore, they can do so through this.

Tick the checkbox, add the link and click apply.

How to Delete an Application*

  1. Navigate to “Publish”
  2. Select “Delete”
  3. Confirm Delete

*Deleting Application still means that name cannot be used for another application

Article App Creation

E-commerce Store creation